Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shitlist "Self-Titled" Release

I was recently asked to do the artwork for Shitlist's new release on cassette. I am beyond stoked for this project and started a drawing for the cover last night. The layout is coming along and I will post the finished product on here once I am done...for now here is the drawing.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Life After Death "Scum of Society Forever"

I am so fucking pumped to announce that I have been asked to do the art and layout for Life After Death's new full length release, "Scum of Society Forever." The album is going to be released on Filled With Hate Records out of Arnsberg, Germany. FWH is home to some really sick bands like CDC, Folsom, and Suffer the Living. My best friend and co-worker Matt Riefler is recording and producing the entire album as well, so I am especially excited that Speak Easy has a big role in this release. I will give you guys a couple sneak peaks on the cover and logo. I had so much fun throwing together designs and running around town taking gnarly photos of busted down houses for the layout. "Scum of Society Forever" is about to be hard as fuck!

Album Cover:

Some logo work:

Flyer for release:

Speak Easy Media.

Over the past year or two, myself and four of my good friends have been plotting and putting together ideas for a company that would benefit a client in so many different areas of art and design. I have always enjoyed working alongside my friends with many of the same clients and we have always seen eye to eye on everything. I thought to myself, why cant I continue to produce good work with these guys forever? Eric Pennycoff, Matt Riefler, Eric Romary, and Corey Purvis are some of my closest dudes and I am glad to finally call these guys my co-workers.

Speak Easy is:
Tanner Wilson (art/design)
Corey Purvis (art/design)
Eric Pennycoff (film, editor)
Matt Riefler (recording engineer)
Eric Romary (recording engineer)

This agency will be like a one-stop-shop for companies looking for work. Instead of looking around the market for artists, musicians, and/or filmmakers, Speak Easy will have everything within one name. From now on, we will all be stamping Speak Easy on every single piece of work we produce. I will keep everybody updated on upcoming projects, website, merchandise, and work!