Sunday, July 24, 2011


If you don't know, NOW YOU KNOW!
This Friday, July 29th Daniel Dienelt, Dusty Neal, and I will be putting on an exhibition of all the collaboration pieces we have been working on in the last 5 months. There are soooo many pieces and I am beyond stoked to see the outcome. The show will be hosted by our good friends at Conspiracy in their shop. This is by far one of the most challenging/rewarding projects I have ever worked on and I know I can say the same for Daniel and Dusty. We have been slaving over this show making panels, mixing paint, cutting ourselves, ruining clothes, making flyers, making pamphlets, destroying shit, sanding shit, spraying shit, etc. You name it, we have done it to one of the pieces. Some range from the size of a cheese slice to the size of a double door. I have no clue how we are going to hang everything on Thursday, but it is going to be done!

I want to thank everyone that is close to me for putting up with my crankiness and nervous attitude over the last couple months. Big thanks to my main man Eric Pennycoff for providing footage (he is shooting the opening as well), Katie Moore, my parents, my two brothers Jake and Wyatt, Jake and Jess Farris, Damien Imel, Grey Gordon, Josh Hire, Chris Zoot, Corey Purvis, Matt Riefler, of course Dusty and Daniel, and anybody else who has helped me out in anyway. I am sorry if I have forgotten anybody.

THE TEASER (made by Eric Pennycoff)

Territorial Markings from Eric Pennycoff on Vimeo.